Reducing Skin Cancer Risk

Preventing Skin Cancer Understanding Skin Cancer Basics Skin cancer, the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells, is the most common type of cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancers during their lifetimes, with 3.3 million nonmelanoma cases diagnosed annually. Nearly 98% of cases are basal cell or squamous cell […]
Skin concerns flaring up this fall

Author: Dr. Emily Levin, Board-Certified Dermatologist and Co-Owner of Northwest Dermatology Group and Covet Med Spa in Bingham Farms Less sun, cool temps and face masks exacerbating common skin conditions Wearing a mask to protect yourself and others from the COVID-19 virus can cause acne on your face. But you can take steps to alleviate […]
Skin Care That Goes Beyond the Bottle

Everyone wants youthful, radiant, glowing skin until they realize nice skin transcends a bottle of expensive serum or moisturizer. When it comes to skincare, the glow starts from within. So, it doesn’t just matter what you put on your body, but what you also put in it. While others are filling their cabinets with serums, […]
What Are the Best Treatments for Warts?

Warts are benign skin growths that form on the body and can develop in different areas. This skin condition is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which infects the top layer of the skin. Once HPV infects the skin, it causes the abnormality known as a wart. If you’ve ever had a wart, you know how […]
3 Common Insect Bites & When to See a Doctor

Summer brings backyard hangouts, days by the pool, and unfortunately bugs that bite such as mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, and more. Most of the time, these bites are harmless. But on some occasions, they can cause irritation, allergic reactions, or even infections. While you’re probably not well-versed in bug bite identification, it’s important to know what bit […]